Friday, November 2, 2007

The frost has come

The frost has come. It gets cold at night. These pictures are from the morning of Oct. 27.

Today, I took a placement exam in Spanish. In part of it, I think I got 26 of 50 questions correct. I can't tell you what that means. Maybe next week I'll find out more. For now, I'm happy that I did that well, and that it's done. Now I can study to re-take the math placement exam, because I can take it twice and the results from the first time (in August) weren't as good as I wish for.

On Fridays, it seems that a group of Spanish speakers and learners get together at lunch time and speak Spanish. Today I went (yes, right before my Spanish test). It was interesting to see how outside people looked at our table speaking Spanish. I thought, they don't know, but really we are the ones speaking the normal language. The whole scene might be reversed in Puerto Rico. (And once again, I'd be at the table that was different.)

So I really did mean "these pictures." One is at the beginning, and the other is near the end, but they are both of frost and cold weather taken on the 27th of LAST MONTH. IT'S NOVEMBER NOW.

Isn't frost pretty?

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