Sunday, December 28, 2008


Tropical plants that I got Monday (Picture from Tuesday or Wednesday?). One of them wasn't looking so good anymore yesterday and today.
The rest of the pictures are from today.
Ruffy's King of the (a) snow mound.

See the fence? Yeah, I mean that lump of snow in the middle. There should still be a fence underneath it, though it is covered in snow. The fence is fairly straight and it's snow image shows up nicely, I think. Also note the sunlight on patches of snow. Pretty sunshiney moment.

See? Blue sky! And snow :)

Bella laying on a path. Again, note the sunlight and blue sky. It was wonderful!

And this is after/during the warm time when things seemed to be melting, but it looks like we still have enough snow!

Today was a lovely Sunday, to a large extent. Having missed work the day before because I decided against driving through about a foot of snow that was a bit heavier than the fluffy powder we had earlier, I really wanted to get to church today. I thought it was important. It was.

Sunday school... Ephesians 3 and 4. I had looked over the chapters earlier, which was good because I was really late for class. They are good chapters. I am inspired. Read them and be inspired, too. Be new in Christ! This is how I plan to get through the week. Learning to be new in Christ. The internet is being trouble right now, and my goal was to get to bed by 7:00... hmmm.

And the main service at church, and talking to people, and I was encouraged.

And the sun shone! And I saw blue sky! And I drove about 50 miles per hour! (i.e. I was somewhat confident - though still a little concerned - that I wouldn't spin of the road because of ice or snow!)


Betsy said...

your little plant "family" should be ok. Just breathe on them and keep them close together. A little lamp and maybe a bowl of water (with a fish?) to keep the humidity up would be good additions.

love that you are doing tropical plants in the midst of that SNOW! enjoy it, in case some day you are in the tropics! you can't really import snow.

Abigail said...

Duh, that's what I can do. Turn the light on. There is one right beside the plants, but I've moved the sick plant to other places. I think I'll try putting it back and turn the light on. :)