Saturday, December 13, 2008

First big snow of the year.

Yesterday, the day after the last "normal" day of school (as if any last day of school is normal! this was perhaps a normal "last" day), it really snowed. When I measured it, it measured fairly precisely 8 inches.

When I went to work, it was snowing. So as I worked, I hoped I would get home soon enough that I would not get stuck.

When I finally reached the neighborhood, someone had plowed! Praise God! So I didn't get stopped by snow until I was just a foot or two from having my front tires in the garage. Imagine my relief! (No cold walk home in the dark; no trying to shovel the car out and hoping I wasn't blocking the neighbors; you get the idea, right?) I am so thankful to God.

So, stopped a few feet from my goal, I backed up to try again. Somewhere in this try, I slid to the side. See the tracks where the front tires slid to the side?

Third try, the cat was in the way. I was afraid he'd risk getting run over instead of moving into the deep snow or getting to the garage in time... :(
So I backed up and tried again. Success! I got all the way into the garage. But when I tried to close the garage door, the sensor stopped it because...

the car had pushed snow into the way. See the dirty snow where it was cleaning my car? This is an indication that the snow was too deep for the car (ideally) and if the road hadn't been plowed, I probably would have gotten stuck much earlier.
Now for some pictures from today.

Isn't Ruffy so cute?

See how big he is next to Belle? (Or how small.)

Isn't the snow so pretty?
(Trying to honestly appreciate the snow. For now, God has put me here in this snowy place.)

1 comment:

Laura said...

The snow is beautiful, I will agree. . .we just got too much in one day. :-)