Saturday, September 4, 2010

I own a house - not that it cuts any off of my monthly rent

Like any good home owner, I've used part of my long Labor Day weekend to work on my house. Specifically, I put on roofing.
I got a relatively good deal on it: I'm thinking it cost under 10 dollars. Not that I bought anything I used for the direct purpose of roofing my house. I used scissors, kid's glue, and a cereal box. :) Yay for cheap recreation.
Here you can see more of my painting efforts from the past week. Thanks to my mother for loaning me paints and paintbrushes, this has been economical for me as well. I did buy one thing of white paint, but it was in the one dollar range. Mixing grey with dark color of choice just doesn't work the same as adding white. But it does produce interesting colors.

Here is a picture from an earlier Saturday. I went sailing with siblings. It was neat watching my brother direct the sailing of the sailboat.


Betsy said...

Sailing and house work... you could be in Puerto Rico again!

Thinking of you, praying for you and missing you.

Karin said...

I have a mini-house too! Have fun decorating the inside.

I've gotten free wallpaper by going to a store and asking if i can have some of their outdated sample books. The plain or small print samples are enuf to cover 1 or 2 or more walls. And it's free.