Sunday, April 4, 2010


New dishes, new towels, a growing collection of stuff for when I (Lord willing) move. I'm trying to move south to a warmer climate with less snow - but I mean somewhere around 20 miles south to a city in which I already work and go to church. So, my local friends, worry not.

I cleaned my room Saturday. Under my bed, I found notes on breathing (translation; notes for my Anatomy of Speech class), my camera!, a pair of sandals, my "nice" shoes, and dust bunnies. That might explain the "almost getting a cold" feeling. I removed all but the dust bunnies (thus, the "allergies" have a right to continue, though they seem better today. Does that mean I'm allergic to shoes? Oh, but I did wash my sheets, so it could still be dust).

I also desided that I'd had enough of empty walls. I think the calander may have been added to the wall earlier in the week, but the door decorations and three crayon and/or marker drawings from work were added Saturday. So I have one wall that is less spartan, and the rest look like they did the week before. But I figure the things on the wall shouldn't be any worse than the MESS I've been perpetuating in my room (that got a lot better Saturday, too, but it's looking worse already. Folding and putting away clothes really helps. Dumping laundry on beds doesn't help the clean-looking rating).


Ruth said...

You should write a poem about the theme in your wall-art; it's GREAT!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....