Friday, January 15, 2010

school and weekend

At this point, I have (re?)memorized my student ID number for Utah State University. I have taken three quizes (one more than technically assigned for this week) (and I think I had taken all three before Wednesday). But I still have text book studying to do. And the kind of studying I should do to make sure I will still know what I knew the hours of the lectures and quizes when the hour of the test arrives. But thus far, the class is going well. I learned about kinds of cartilage, among other things. One kind is "elastic". The others escape me. Reassurance that I should study (except that depending on how the test is made, I might only need to recognize the correct words out of a group of words for kinds of cartilage, not come up with them out of thin air, in which case I still might be okay, though I'm not sure). Enough about my dear speech anatomy class.

I'm excited for the weekend. I have high hopes of things I could do, but I expect time will be an issue, especially since I don't want to be rushed. I want a nice relaxing Friday evening-Saturday. I have cleaning, and a movie to watch in Spanish (it is also in English, but the goal is to improve my Spanish), and more.

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