Friday, December 18, 2009

I had to decide...! Pay by 10:59 (yay for different time zones) or expect to be dropped from the class.

So I payed. By credit card, if that counts. Maybe it shouldn't count until I pay that.

Choices are hard for me to make sometimes. There's the peace litmus test; do you have peace about such and such decision. I did after I made it; does that count? But I'm still worried, too. How am I going to have enough time? Will I have enough time? Will I feel overloaded (probably)? Will I end up withdrawing or dropping the class? But the future is still the future. But I'm excited about the class. And pretty tired after finishing the work week. And winter driving expectable for a few months still... My time is pretty full; what was I thinking? :)

So there's another class I think I should probably take, but I'm putting off that decision a little bit, but if I take both classes, that will be six credits attempted in about 4 months. A little better than the 22 credits I attempted (more or less; I've passed 16, attempted 3 more, and procrastinated and sometimes worked on the last 3) in the last 6 months of this current year. But not necessarily so much better if one knows how much (little) I put into some of those credits. So we'll see what the future holds.

And as of yesterday, I did not have a sinus infection, though I payed a lot of money to establish that fact. And so unidentified allergies are potentially to blame for any lingering congestion. Maybe I'm allergic to bleach; I use bleach water a decent amount at my job. But I have congestion at home, too.

I went to the staff Christmas party for my work this evening. It was nice.

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