Sunday, November 29, 2009


Friday, I went back to the doctor. He wrote out eight things to do to try to get rid of my supposed sinus infection and allergy problem - 4 having to do with reducing my exposure to possible allergins and 4 being medications to take. So Friday and Saturday I cleaned and cleaned. Don't be too fooled by the picture of my desk: the insides of the drawers are fairly full, and all is not ideally organized. But the empty whiteness in my room is definately a change. Today, in the afternoon, I read-skimmed a book in my "clean" environment. It was nice.

Today was my interim pastor's last Sunday. It was nice. He did a good job as interim pastor, and I am grateful.

Last week, my new boss at work had her first week (short week) without my old boss still being director. I am encouraged that this will go well.

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