Sunday, October 25, 2009


I've been reading Six Dangerous Questions to Transform your View of the World, by Paul Borthwick. I'm also working on a course on Critical Thinking that doesn't strike me as Christian-friendly. These make quite the contrast. Do you believe God to the point that it transforms your life? versus Will you let Reasoning be your way to come as close as possible to wisdom?

The Six Dangerous Questions book is assigned reading for my missionary preparation process. I'm not so very far, but it is a refreshing call to see what the Bible says and how that should effect me. For example, and I've been thinking about part of this fairly recently but the book is also discussing it, if I really think Jesus really is THE way, this influences me differently for other people than if Jesus was A way. As I was reading, I glimpsed that if we're REALLY to SERIOUSLY believe more and more, the life implications may be uncomfortable.

And then there is the reasoning class. I felt a bit offended by it because it seems that if I believe God without being willing to convert to another religion or non-religion if they come up with the better argument, then I am being a not-so-good thinker. So my pride in my intellectual ability is hurt because my faith has become a point against my being a "good" thinker. I'm not sure, but it seems somewhat as if, if the book were taken too seriously, or at least to far, that Critical Reasoning is set up as god.

Anyway, it seems like one of those moments when the way of God seems not to be the way of the World (of course).

And I'm having one of those challenging times in my life when I think it must mean that I am learning/could be learning a lot, and challenges aren't limited to the college front.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

During the past two weeks, I missed five days of work (Thurs through Wednesday), but was able to return for the last part of last week. Tomorrow, my hours increase again. Supposedly, I'm going back to a 40 hour work week, but then when I thought about it, the newest schedule leaves me at 7.5 hours per day, so I'm guessing the newest schedule will be modified still.

I started back into school work. I read an interesting play which I intend to write about tomorrow or sometime not too far away. And I ordered text books for the two classes I think I'll be taking next. I'm still concerned about how part of this will work out, the part where I'm supposed to take off 60 plus or minus some hours from work and accomplish some predetermined tasks in a classroom somewhere. But if I fail at that later, then I fail later, but for now, I'm trying to keep going.

Then there are, um, life lessons? Like lesson #276 of Trusting God. Like when I realize that perhaps the one I'm most upset with for what happened in/with/to a church in another city several years ago, perhaps I've been most upset with God. And I'm the one who has got to change. You know, God could allow a devastating earthquake here that would kill lots of people. He has allowed such things before. Maybe He will again. So when I'm afraid of what God might allow,... I should just trust Him anyway. I don't have to understand.