Wednesday, July 8, 2009

End of June, early July

It's in a garden out front (and grows wild in our area. This one might have been strategically left in the garden or transplanted).

The results of a fire.
Well, really two fires that were really closely related. One or two fires total, depending on how you count.
Wednesday, the first of July, I started my online college.
And my dad and two brothers did yard work, such as burning branches from pine trees they cut down. They put the fire out. Or thought they did. See the circle of ash from the burn pile in the back of the picture?
The next day, Thursday, I studied and had an otherwise normal Thursday. My dad and brothers went camping.
Friday, July 3rd, I was off work! So I studied and studied and studied, etc. Around 5:30 I took a break. (No, this was not my first break.)
I went outside and saw smoke as if from a campfire from around where they had burned. I asked my mom if it should be there, and she said it shouldn't. So I started bringing the hose out and then spent awhile spraying water on this second patch of smoldering black land (the nearer, less conventional shaped blackened area in the picture). I didn't see flames. I saw a smoking black area. Anyway, God blessed in that we were able to deal with this fire before it got too big. Some friends came to help move some bigger logs (since my dad and brothers were gone and mom and I didn't want to attempt using a chain saw). (The picture shows the area after some logs were moved, after a good bit of brush was cleared away to aid in the fire-putting-out, and after the sprinkler had spread water on it all night.) So it was very exciting for me.

I also went on a hike with my dad and brothers near the end of June. Here are a few pictures. By the way, there was a patch of snow up there. My brothers enjoyed sliding down it. I think one brother used a rock as a sled. I think all of them tried sliding on their feet standing up. I "tried" sliding on my feet for a foot or two - on accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great pictures....and interesting to see pics of the "underground fire" area...