Tuesday, October 7, 2008

update and my latest pirate story

So, I would like to update my blog. Instead of doing homework right now. I have an essey to write in Spanish for Spanish class. And I should make sure that all the nouns and modifiers agree with each other (after I write the paper). And then all should be pretty okay on the homework front. Meaning, I have more I could do, but that is what will be visable to a teacher by Thursday.

Today is a sun-shiney day.

Rumor has it I can buy gas today for 30 cents less per gallon than what I paid last Friday (which was ten or 20 cents less than what I paid on Wednesday or whatever day I bought gas earlier that week). So that means that I will probably pay 40 or 50 cents less today per gallon on gas than I did about a week ago. That is amazing.

ONCE UPON A TIME (i.e. it never happened), there was a dragon. This dragon lived on an island with lots of treasure. The problem is, there were lots of mosquitos there. In fact, there were sooo many mosquitos and they made such an awful noise together, that the dragon decided to leave the island. So he patched up the old wrecked ship that had decorated the beach for 38 years. He loaded all (well, almost all) of his treasure onto the old ship. And he set sail.

After three days of sailing, he realized he had three shortcomings in his character. 1. He had too little patience for mosquitos. 2. He couldn't mend ships very well. And 3. He could not sail a ship. After 5 days, he was throwing his heaviest treasure overboard and dreaming he could hear mosquitos, but he couldn't.

Then a pirate ship came. The dragon disregarded his faint fealing of forboding at the sight of a pirate flag. The dragon begged for help. The pirate was an intelligent man, and he and the dragon began moving the treasure from the old sinking ship to the sturdy pirate ship. As the dragon moved the last item onto the pirate ship, he declaired (for he was a dragon with good manners), "Thank you Mr. Pirate. Thank you SO MUCH for saving me."

The Pirate grinned delightedly. "The treasure is mine!" he said.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I thought the pirate story was going to be about you! How is your spanish essay now?