Friday, May 16, 2008

A Saturdayish Friday

It is very nice to have my second semester finished. Today I still woke up barely in time for breakfast (as in, I wasn't very ready for breakfast, but I showed up for most of the time). Then I drove the car that is not mine but that I drive quite often to the person who fixes cars. The radiator is cracked. No great suprise, but intimidating. Then I worked for my Dad. That was pretty interesting in a not too interesting way; typing and computery work that I can do without fully understanding what he does. So that was fun.
Then I called about the job I interviewed for on Wednesday. I wanted a yes or no answer, but instead got offered a working interview. So I guess that is good, but I still didn't know about the car....
I talked to another person who might hire me...
And then I drove the truck. The truck has a manual transmission. I had only driven it in the country and out of a town with a flashing orange/red light intersection. Today I actually drove it to a bigger town of three stop-lights (and drove through two stop-light intersections). The success was delightful. It outweighed the horn of an impatient driver behind me when I missed turning on the green light because I couldn't figure out for a moment how to get started...
Now I have (get) to go to work.

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