Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend sights

Sunday, I saw this sign and was thoroughly amused.
Also on Sunday, I went to see how high the lake was. Having all that snow in the winter and then warm weather to melt mountain snow provides for amazing sights. I wasn't the only person down there taking pictures.

I think this "street" is more or less just part of the parking lot.
Here you can see part of the parking lot and a bench out in the water.

Lifeguarding stand... now in the water.

On Saturday, my family went for a hike. There were pretty wild flowers and pretty views.

A lofty view of my "home country."
Me on top of the mountain.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


The difference between "in decision" and "indecision" is where you put some space. I wonder how deeply true that is.

"Speeding" is when I drive to fast. "Slowing" is when I drive to slow. Reasons for slowing include forgetting the speed limit (that one goes for speeding as well), forgetting to watch for the speed limit sign, being tired of driving fast, ice, deer, oncoming headlights, and not knowing the road and/or road conditions well enough. When you are driving on a highway in the mountains and the road curves a lot, they may post lower speeds on orange signs. If you are already going slower than the speed, than you can be amused at the recommendation to drive a faster speed in this more hazardous location. Okay, you don't have to understand. I was tired and I was amused by that.

Why is "limit" (speed limit) spelled that way? Then shouldn't it be pronounced lie-mit?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

picnic "lunch" at the beach

This is why you don't leave a beautiful yellow banana and homemade sandwich in a darkly painted vehicle while you go to church. If you must make that mistake, at least bring a tea bag for your water. (The banana was even hot to the touch. No, I haven't eaten it yet. Maybe I'll cook with it...? Or throw it away?)
Instead of having grilled cheese with peanut-butter (why hadn't I left the peanut-butter off), I got a donut/some kind of sweat bready treat and milk, but I continued with my picnic plan.
I went down to the lake and found a nice spot beneath a tree.
Before, there was more sandy beach where there is water now.

See the snow still on these mountains? From what I've heard, melting mountain snow is causing the high water.

I put my feet into the water, which was cold.
(This is the first time I remember this uploader automatically turning something - and this picture didn't need rotated. Oh, well.)

(It worked again! This time it rotated a picture when I wanted it too!)

Anyhow, I had a nice time reading, etc. A lovely time on the beach - lakeshore.

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Saturdayish Friday

It is very nice to have my second semester finished. Today I still woke up barely in time for breakfast (as in, I wasn't very ready for breakfast, but I showed up for most of the time). Then I drove the car that is not mine but that I drive quite often to the person who fixes cars. The radiator is cracked. No great suprise, but intimidating. Then I worked for my Dad. That was pretty interesting in a not too interesting way; typing and computery work that I can do without fully understanding what he does. So that was fun.
Then I called about the job I interviewed for on Wednesday. I wanted a yes or no answer, but instead got offered a working interview. So I guess that is good, but I still didn't know about the car....
I talked to another person who might hire me...
And then I drove the truck. The truck has a manual transmission. I had only driven it in the country and out of a town with a flashing orange/red light intersection. Today I actually drove it to a bigger town of three stop-lights (and drove through two stop-light intersections). The success was delightful. It outweighed the horn of an impatient driver behind me when I missed turning on the green light because I couldn't figure out for a moment how to get started...
Now I have (get) to go to work.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

What I did on May 2.

On the evening of May 2, my youngest two brothers and I left the house. We had to
hurry so that hopefully the youngest wouldn't be (too) late for bed. My brothers led me through the woods to a place with lots of snow left, and we rolled the snow balls. My brothers were better at it than me. They made the two bigger balls and helped with my ball. I was suprised at how well the snow still rolled into balls. And we made a snowman! On May 2nd! I think it was somewhere around 50 degrees when we made it; it was evening and cooling down.