Saturday, February 6, 2010


But I just scheduled to take a test Wednesday, and I'm not ready.

So I guess I'd better study.

But I shall write first. :) I've been having trouble with a certain headache. I got one Monday morning, but then I didn't get one until this morning!!!! I'd been getting one more like every other day, so this was a lovely improvement.

I've been thinking and praying relating to the subject of a "call" from God. There's even a book entitled The Missionary Call or something like that. Just like I did last year, I earnestly read part of it... and then stopped. When will I read more than the first two chapters, the last chapter, and some inbetween? This belongs on a list of 4 books that I've been assigned/recommended and have started but not completed in the last year or two.

But back to the subject of "call". I read early in Exodus about God calling Moses (burning bush story). What really stood out to me was when Moses asked God the why me question, and God promised Moses a sign for him, to confirm the call for him. This sign was that the Israelites would worship God there after being brought out of Egypt. This amuses me. Moses did have signs - the burning bush, the miracles - but this one sign specified for him (I suppose the burning bush was for him to) but this sign was to take place... AFTER ... Moses obeyed. AFTER Moses risked his life, Aaron's life, and Israelite lives. (Of course, Moses may have needed that confirmation at that part-way-through point in his assignment.)

The other thing that stood out was that God handled Moses's questions without explicitely recording His anger until Moses asked God to send somebody else. That was not a pleasantly received question. (And God answered letting Aaron join Moses. God didn't simply withdraw His direction.)

I'm a little further in Exodus now. Encouraged to read about God being in control. Still encouraged that God would address my concern about "call" in my Bible reading around the same time.

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