Monday, August 25, 2008


Well. By the end of the 5th class today, I am feeling tired and hungry. Maybe food will help. And then the final class of the day... a dance class!
But I'm feeling overwhelmed. It's one of those times when I wonder, "What have I done [by registering for these classes]? What am I doing [taking these classes]?" Thankfully, I think Mondays are my hardest days class-wise this semester. Last semester it was Thursdays, when I started at 9:00 am and ended at 8:30 pm.

The puppy's name is Rufford. (PS, next time you name a pet, consider the tongue-twister aspect, like "Ruff Rutherford.") (Or maybe you don't want to ask me at all for input.)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Guard dog in training.

I think Belle (the older dog dog) will be tired tonight (unless she already slept enough after playing).

My family got a new puppy. He's about 3 months old, I'm told. He's very cute. He has lots of energy. I don't think his name has been decided on yet (if it has, I missed it).

Friday, August 22, 2008

change (and comments) (and more comments) (made by me, and part of the original posting)

ONE more day at the part time job that had hours drawing remarkably close to 40 hours a week. (Not a bad thing, but when I was/am working two part time jobs, and I counted up the hours scheduled on two of those weeks, and the hours scheduled in the week exceeded 50, and that didn't include driving time, well, you can immagine that I did/do feel a little overwhelmed.) It has been a good summer. I got lots of hours of work, which enables me to take lots of credits this fall in school. And I was able to go to church. Church was a big goal of the summer.

So MONDAY, my 18 credits of classes start, Lord willing. Actually, I think that every single class (except for Chemistry lab) that I'm taking meets on Monday. So Monday should be busy. (This may mean that I actually will have to finish school work on Saturday instead of trying to finish it on Monday.) (Then again, maybe I'll be able to put some of it off until Tuesday.) (Immagine finals at the end of the semester. What will it do to my finals since I take so many Monday classes?) (Do you think they will let me get out of some of my finals by having good grades up until then?) (I don't think I did so well on my last Math final.) (Either I didn't do well, or the teacher never got the final because there was confusion at the testing center.) (Because I got the grade I would have gotten if I didn't take the final or didn't do well enough on the test. -I think, but I could be wrong.) (But technically I could still tutor that math class, because my overall grade was still good enough.) (The moral of the story is, give yourself enough time to learn the material before taking exams. The secondary moral is, do well on the earlier tests that are easier for you and then you have more room for error in the later tests.) (Do you think other people will read this far, or have they given up?)

UM. School starting, one job ending. OH, and maybe I'll get my room partly cleaned tomorrow, and finish (or just continue) putting things on my walls. I got some new posters last Tuesday.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My mom's planter that I haven't killed yet (I'm more concerned about some of the grass...)

The sunset was beautiful last Friday evening.
The lighting was awesome, and pictures aren't as good as BEING THERE.

Awe. When I am not the only one consuming my brainspace as I see the amazing sunset God created. Knowing God's presence in a different way.

Monday, August 4, 2008

It is funny to look back at the picture from May (?) of the gas station sign... when gas was "so expensive" at 3.65 or whatever it was then.