Sunday, April 19, 2009

Once upon a time, almost two years ago (only two years ago? Wow) I moved back to the States. But I took pictures/got pictures taken by others first. Like these two pictures. Yeah, they're from almost two years ago.

The thing is, it seems that my heart didn't really completely leave Puerto Rico.

That first week back in the States, I remember telling Nicole that I was trying not to compare my life in the States to that in Puerto Rico. Ha, I might have been crying while I said that, at least sometime in the conversation.

Working at camp, I liked the water of the lake. It somehow was a tie to Puerto Rico. Somebody understood. Remembered her former island home a bit like I remembered mine.

That fall, I started college. But I still missed Puerto Rico. I remember that fall thinking that I was pretty sure God wanted me to continue going to college for the spring semester. Then I figured out that if I did it right, I could graduate by the end of the following fall semester. It seemed foolish to quit after the spring semester if I could finish an Associate degree in the fall. Over Christmas break, I got my wisdom teeth out. That was on my list of things to do before I returned for more than a short visit to Puerto Rico.

Spring break, I visited Puerto Rico. I wondered if I'd idealized it. I knew I didn't like change and wondered if the pull back to Puerto Rico was significantly because I didn't want to change. When I went to ESD, it was like going home. At first, I'd cry at night, how can it feel so much like home when I'm supposed to leave so soon? But then, a miracle occured, and the ache/burden I'd struggled with since leaving Puerto Rico went away, at least for a time. At the end of my spring break, I headed home to finish my semester. I finished my Associate degree last fall semester.

I found a church that I wanted to be my home church in the States. I've joined, and it really is my home church now.

I have been going through my church's process to pursue being a missionary, and I still have a ways to go. I appreciate prayers for God's guidance and provision and for Him to open the doors He wants open when He wants them open.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the sun has returned

It's amazing what alot of sunshine can do. I actually considered that I might almost enjoy excersizing - later.

I'm happy for the work week coming again. I enjoy my job. (And yes, I had that sort of weekend that leaves one thinking the work week is really a good thing.)